Top 3 favourite places to visit in London!

Top 3 favourite places to visit in London!

Every time I think of London, the first words that come to mind are: elegant, vibrant, inclusive and adaptable. I fell in love with London the first time I visited, in 2005 when I travelled from High Wycombe to London by train, I remember it like it was yesterday. While being a traditional city, it also offers opportunities for the modern concepts and inclusion to be a part of it. It can be described as a mixture of old and new, a fabulous and enjoyable journey through time. A vibrant city that offers activities and events whether is day or night, hot or cold or rain, for every ages, depending on preferences and interests. I found it quite hard to decide on 3 of my favourite places to visit in London. Every person has different interests and are being stuned by different things. When I choose my 3 favourite places, I try to think about how these places make me feel, what emotions burst out and what reactions follow these emotions. I must add, that having a son.... I am very happily inclined to explore and enjoy places that are children friendly.

I will start with my most local and familiar local place. 

1. Alexandra Palace: One of my absolute favourite places is the plateau that hosts the BBC Tower and is the birth place of television. The peace and mindfulness that this place is transferring to me is incredibly fantastic. With a breath-taking view over London as well as different activities for different ages, Ally Pally is by far the most exciting venue to visit and enjoy in every season. Festivals, events, concerts, boating lake, playground, ice rink…… everything a community needs to socialise, have fun and enjoy celebrating different events together.

2: Borough Market: A vibrant food market, with lots of fresh and creatively displayed produce and street food(especially the seafood stalls😊 ).There's cheer, joy, music, good vibe! I Love this place because it is very close to the south bank of river Thames, and I can enjoy shopping in the market as well as a very beautiful and relaxing walk on the south bank afterwards.

3. Natural History Museum: Is by far the most visited place in London, by me and my son. We are never bored, there is always something new to see or learn, a new exposition or display/activity. There are over 200 museums in London, and I have visited quite a few but none of them had the impact that NHM had and the willingness to continue to visit on numerous occasions with same enthusiasm. The journey on the underground is enjoyable too. 

These are my favourite go to places and I say with hand on my heart that I will never refuse a day out visiting these places. I have allowed my intuition to dictate and guide me through my journey through London today. I hope you will join me too!

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