Travelling with children

Travelling with children

Travelling with children, as much as it is exciting, it can also be quite stressful and tiring. It might not be as easy as 1-2-3 as you have to be able to organise yourself for everything to run smoothly and be stress free. From my experience of travelling with my child, I can share some ideas and tips that I  noticed helps me to organise my time better and to have an enjoyable journey together.

1. Don't leave anything to the last minute. Organise yourself so that you don't have to do anything on the day of travel. This will help you be relaxed and excited about the trip ahead. For example, make sure the luggage is made at least 1 day before and the documents needed are printed and stored safely in a convenient place in your bag or luggage. I usually keep all documents in a folder in my handbag and carry with me at all times.

2. Make sure you have all the essentials with you for yourself and also for your child. Make sure you take toys, books, colouring pencils and paper or colouring books, children's magazines or anything your child is interested in and will be kept entertained by. I tend to focus on these, rather than gadgets although I am perfectly aware that there's a time and place for them too.

3. Depending on your child's age, make sure you talk to them about what's going to happen on the journey and at your destination. This will make your child feel at ease, knowing what's going to happen.

  • How are you going to get to your destination? (by car/train/plane/boat…etc)
  • When will you get to the destination? (How long is the journey going to take, what time/when will you arrive?)
  • Children ask lots of questions, and they will be interested in your answers so make sure you are informed and give them correct information.
  • Unless it's a surprise ( maybe Disneyland???) make sure you talk to your child about what you are going to do and visit while you are away.

4. Make sure you give your child responsibilities and set safety rules and boundaries while travelling and at your destination, making sure the child understands what he is expected to do safety wise. I am very focused on safety, therefore I always re enforce the safety rules I am comfortable with as well as discussing with my child what he is comfortable with too.

5. I learned that having a snack to hand is very important. Having something to  put your hands on when needed, especially in an airport where waiting hours are long, is essential.

6. I like to learn new things about the place I am visiting beforehand so doing research together with your child , finding activities you would like to do together or activities that your child is interested in doing while on trip. Also, I like to learn a few words in the language of the country I am visiting, and encouraging children to use them as well makes them feel included and excited about the adventure. Do your research about places to visit, places to eat, activities, booking day trips beforehand saves lots of time and hassle especially when you are travelling with a child.

7. Enjoy every minute of being away from your day to day routine, learn as much as you can about the new culture and habits, and have fun. Enjoy the time you spend with your child and make it memorable. They will remember the opportunities you provided, the responsibility you taught them and fun you had.

These are the things I make sure I tick off my checklist before travelling. I am aware that people are different and have different ideas about what and how travelling should take place, therefore I strongly advise you do anything you feel comfortable with and organise yourself the best way you know and can to ensure best experience for you and your children. Happy and safe travels!!

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